Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I am a BIG helper :)

I love to spend time with mommy! It doesn't matter what she is doing around the house. Daddy calls us The Dynamic Duo :)

Cooper's Prints:
Note to Mommy-We need a cute picture of us "The Dynamic Duo" to put on the blog.

Yes, we are the dynamic duo and we do everything together from cooking, watching shows, playing, or cleaning. Mommy is very appreciative in ways I try to help.
I was trying to surprise mommy by drying the dishes off and show her what a great helper I can be. I watched for her to put the door down and then daddy was calling. This was my chance to surprise mommy while she was out of the kitchen. Well, she caught me red handed( something humans say) when she noticed what a big helper I was being.

Proudly, she took pictures to show daddy what a great big help I was :)

I hope mommy knows I enjoy helping her out because I love her so much, and we are the perfect dynamic duo.


  1. OMG, Hay-Lo that is exactly what Remi does, but he is getting too big now & I have to laugh at him, but then he wants to sit on the door.. Oh not good at all!! I have to show you the latest picture of Remi helping Doug under the kitchen sink "Oh my" He is in there with him!! I so love my boys!
    Love u, Mo..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Mo, that cracks me up! Remi and Cooper have very unique personalities for sure :) I would love to see the pics that you are talking about!!I am trying to comment or follow your blog, but I am trying to figure that out. See if u get this or did I just post to my own blog, grrrr
    love you too!
